Wednesday, 30 July 2014

You Little Nipper! The Orchard Corset cs-301

A few weeks ago I was contacted by the absolute doll that is Jessica from PinUpPersuasion saying she'd been in touch with Orchard Corset and asked if they could send me a corset to review as a thank you for being her favourite lingerie blogger!

After some time of wallowing in utter flattery, I headed over to Orchard Corset's website to browse their selection. Since I'd already purchased the ever popular CS-426 underbust a few months back (which I'm yet to review) and own a number of overbusts, I opted for the mini underbust, the relatively new CS-301 in black cotton. I went for a 20", a size smaller than the recommended 22" for my 26" waist.

Photograph from Orchard Corset

Currently at $65 (£38) I consider the CS-301 a cheaper alternative to the What Katie Did Baby Corset at £129.50. Since I've not tried the WKD Baby, I can't do a comparison of the two, but I will say the only differences I can see are that the Baby is 7" long and curved at the bottom and the CS-301 is 8" long and is straight at the bottom.

The CS-301 is much easier to wear than longer corsets since it has a very short rise so you don't feel quite as restricted. It only has 3 fasteners too, meaning you can do a quick release should you feel uncomfortable or claustrophobic, which I sometimes feel a slight hint of when corseted. Yes, I know you're meant to unlace the corset first, but with the CS-301 I don't feel this is necessary.

I've owned a LOT of steel boned corsets over the years but never actually wear them so I'd consider myself a corset newbie. I wore my CS-301 on a hot summer's day with my navy polka dot dress from Pepperberry (no longer available) to a local vintage fair. Aside from some itching in the back panel, it was relatively comfortable and I managed to clock up a few hours wear including a large slice of lemon drizzle cake before I decided it had to go as I was too hot and itchy!

A few weeks later I decided to wear the corset to bed and for the following day, only this time with a cami underneath. It was remarkably comfortable and I only took it off to eat lunch. I'm far too lazy to get up early enough in the morning to lace a corset so wearing one in bed and for the following day would be the only way for me to waist train.

My only complaint about the CS-301 is because it's a short corset, when I sit down I have a 'muffin bottom' effect in my lower belly region. This wasn't such as issue since I was wearing a swing dress at the time, but it would mean I couldn't wear the corset with a fitted dress. Not unless I wasn't needing to sit down at least.

I'd recommend this corset to anyone, old or new to the world of corsetry as it is an easy starter corset, or for those waist training and wanting a break from a longer corset, this would be ideal. I'd love to waist train and may start wearing my CS-301 to start with, then move on to my CS-426 eventually.

Make Me a Muse for My Boudoir....PLEASE VOTE!

So once again I've managed to find myself in a competition that relies on a rather scary and anxiety inducing public vote! This time it's for My Boudoir, home of the most awesome photoshoots and transformations from beautiful to uber mega stunningly incredible gorgeous beyond words!

Anyone who's been following me on Twitter will know I've been coveting a shoot with Nicola of My Boudoir for a few years now, so when Georgina (FullerFigureFullerBust) alerted me to My Boudoir's 'Search for a Muse' competition I couldn't resist entering!

Georgina from FullerFigureFullerBust has has a number of shoots with My Boudoir and every single time my mind is blown with how flawless she looks. Just wow.

Photograph copyright of My Boudoir featuring FullerFigureFullerBust

Another woman crush of mine, Sinderella Rockafella has also been shot by My Boudoir. Ugh, just look at her, so perfect!

Photograph copyright of My Boudoir featuring Sinderella Rockafella

So once again I'm relying on your votes to help me win. Sorry! I'm currently sat at around 225 votes in sixth (I think) place, so I'm quite far from the chance of getting a shoot sadly.

All I need you to do is LIKE the photo in this link, but PLEASE ONLY LIKE IT ONCE because if you like it twice, it will 'unlike', meaning you haven't voted! 

(I know, it should be obvious but I've had a number of people telling me they've 'like it again' and I've had to point out that they've invalidated their vote by doing so!)


I'm also contractually obliged (not really!) to ask you please to vote for Alex Marshall of LoveLifeLexi. I've known Alex for 10 years now. We met on a Derren Brown forum and have remained in contact ever since, with our mutual love of Helo Kitty and often buying the same items of clothing! Click here for her vote link.

Voting closes at 10am On Wednesday August 6th, which is a few days before my birthday, so if you want to give me a gift, please make it a vote and share the link on your Facebook page too!

Thank you, cross your fingers for me!

Friday, 18 July 2014

Hey Baby, Hey Baby-DOLL!

Apologies for the terrible No Doubt reference in the title, I've been a fan for many years!

Today I'm reviewing the Cleo by Panache Marcie babydoll in this gorgeous summery bright shade of yellow. I purchased the babydoll from for just £24.50 (shorts £9.80) in their summer sale. Unfortunately Lace didn't have my size (28GG), or any other 28 bands in stock so I settled on my sister size of 30G. I figured I won't be wearing it enough to warrant the perfect fit with it being a pretty impractical item in reality. Which begs the question why I bought it! I don't know, possibly something to do with my boyfriend's favourite colour being yellow and the fact that it's not a colour often seen in lingerie. I mean, when WOULD you wear a babydoll practically? As you may know, I don't tend to buy unpadded bras either, so this unpadded babydoll was like a step into the unknown for me!

So lets talk about the colour first. It's GORGEOUS! Sunny and bright, you won't mind the odd bit of strap showing surely! The three-part cups are made from a polka dot mesh which is sheer but not too sheer, if that makes sense(?), the top part being a pretty scalloped lace. The skirt is made from the same polka dot mesh, only it's only one layer, therefore more sheer.

I don't normally get on well with Cleo and other Panache bras as my boobs don't tend to fill the top section, leaving a weird gap, so I ordered a 30G and 30GG and hoped for the best. Please bear in mind that operate a minimum order of £40 policy so if you're stuck between ordering two sizes, just order both. As predicted, the 30GG was too big in the cup and luckily the 30G was perfect, so I will be purchasing the bra too, available from Bravissimo and Figleaves amongst others. The cup is absolutely spot on, no gaping like I normally get with Cleo. Obviously the band is looser than I'd like but that's to be expected. It's still comfortable and does its job, so I'm not complaining!

The 'skirt' has a gap at the back, making it's easier to get on than other babydolls that tend to have a full skirt that's joined at the back meaning you have to pull the entire thing over your head.

A word of caution, the straps are fully adjustable, BUT only up to a G cup, so if like me, you're GG+ and petite, you will probably need to get out your sewing kit and alter the straps to fit. The straps in GG and above are padded on the underside, in my opinion unnecessarily, and a little wider but still look the same as the adjustable part. I didn't have this issue in the 30G fortunately.

The briefs are really pretty with a sweet ruffled frill at the tops of the thighs and contrasting pink bows to match the bra and babydoll. I went for a size 14 and although they look okay, I'd prefer an extra inch on the waistband so I don't get ANY muffin top whatsoever. I know, there's not much muffin top but even so, I'd like none! I reordered the briefs from Bravissimo in a size 16 (not pictured) and although these are a better fit on the waistband they are slightly saggy in the back, but I'm happy enough with them so I'll keep the size 16.

I ordered the Marcie bra in a 28GG from Bravissimo and sadly it has that typical Cleo gaping I usually get. I'm not entirely sure why since it's a sister size of the well-fitting 30G babydoll, so I'm currenty awaiting the arrival of the replacement in a 28G. Anyway, that's an aside as I'm reviewing the babydoll!

What do you think? Love or loathe the colour? Have you found a practical use for a babydoll?

Friday, 11 July 2014

Pamela Mann Tight Rope Walker tights; the perfect balance!

Once again I was contacted by the lovely people at Pamela Mann tights asking if I'd like to review some tights for them. Of course I said yes when I saw the tights in question!
As much as I love statement tights, I don't wear them often as I'd like to as I sometimes don't feel brave enough! But when I was sent the Pamela Mann's Tight Rope Walker tights in nude I knew they were subtle enough for me to get away with, and so I wore them to work with a swing skirt that falls on my knee, meaning as I walked, the little balancing dudes were visible with the motion of my skirt!

Peek a boo!

I have a number of pairs of tights with a printed design on which soon wears off, but the Tight Rope Walkers are actually woven into the tights, meaning there's no chance of fading or washing out. The nude colour of the tights is perfect for my pale complexion and almost makes me look as though I'm bare-legged, which is great. 

My only criticism would be that because tights are pretty much a one size fits most, and in this case being 8-14, covering various heights, I found the tight rope walkers themselves getting lower down my legs throughout the day. This meant I was asked by a shocked colleague when I'd had my unusual tattoos done!

I stupidly managed to put my nail through the tights as I was pulling them up in a rush, but this is no reflection on the quality of the tights (just a reflection of my clumsiness!). Speaking of quality, it does pay to spend a bit more when it comes to tights. I have numerous of pairs of Primark tights but they simply don't last. My Pammy's are the best I've tried so far, and hold up well wash after wash. 

Oops! Always take care when pulling up tights!

Pamela Mann's Tight Rope Walker tights are a fun talking point and every time I wear any of my Pamela Mann tights I get positive comments from colleagues and even random people in the street! The Tight Rope Walker Tights are available for £9.99 a pair and come in one size 8-14, and 2 colours; nude and black.

Photo Courtsey of Pamela Mann