Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Top 30 Turmoils!

So I'm still in shock about getting into Curvy Kate's top 30 for Star In A Bra!!

Today I've been in an OK mood about it. I've even given the owner of the company where I work a strip of paper with "VOTE KELLY PARKS ON www.starinabra.com" on it!, and had him voting then and there! He was quite interested in seeing me in my lingerie to say the least! I've also been asking people to vote for me (without trying to offend anyone in the process!).

I'm getting rather intimidated by the whole thing to be honest. As anyone who knows me will agree, I'm not the most extrovert woman around, and I'm fighting desperately with myself not to just stop campaigning and curl up in bed instead.

I have very few friends and not much confidence, so it's pretty hard for me to get votes, especially since people who see my pictures must think I absolutely ooze confidence and love myself! See? Who'd have thought I'm actually sat here alone, feeling quite vulnerable!

The above lingerie set was from La Senza, if anyone is wondering!

I've had a couple of compliments, but nothing like what the other girls are getting. I think I'd be better off not looking at Curvy Kate's Facebook wall! I do keep getting random men sending me messages, which is not out of the ordinary, I'm just getting more now!! I just link them to my voting page on Facebook and send them on their merry way!!

So if you're reading this, please vote for me on facebook and on www.starinabra.com

Last pic of the night before bed, a make-up free shot of me and my baby boy <3


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